Saturday, December 28, 2019

Video Games And The Xbox One - 1111 Words

Imagine you are at home with family and friends and y’all want to watch a movie or vibe out to some music. The Xbox One is a system for all members of the family to enjoy. The console has an amazing assortment of video games and apps and functionalities that tailor to almost anyone’s entertainment needs. The Xbox One accommodates for those who want relax and listen to music, or maybe sit back watch their favorite TV show with the family, surf the web for information to help them with a paper, simply play video games, and so much more. The Xbox One and its premier feature Xbox Live make it a perfect choice for anyone looking for an all-around entertainment hub. First, there is the fluent and easy to use Xbox One interface. Once the Xbox has started up you are brought to the home screen, which is a layout of boxes with thumbnails for the application that they represent. The largest box on the home screen contains the most recently used games or apps. To the left of that i s the friends list, messages, notification, and settings menu. To the right of it are whatever promotions and sales currently going on in the Xbox Live Marketplace. Directly below the main module are your most used games and apps in order from most recently used to last. Below that is an area of most used games and apps this is tab labeled my stuff which contains all games and apps. Xbox live also has many forms of social media. The Microsoft created service has apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Vine, andShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And The Xbox One1120 Words   |  5 Pagessome music. The Xbox One is a system for all members of the family to enjoy. The console has an amazing assortment of video games and apps and functionalities that tailor to almost anyone’s entertainment needs. The Xbox One accommodates for those who want to relax and listen to music, or maybe sit back, watch their favorite TV show with the family, surf the web for information to help them with a paper, simp ly play video games, and so much more. The Xbox One and its premier feature Xbox Live make itRead MoreThe Xbox One Is A Gaming Console1620 Words   |  7 PagesThe Xbox One is a gaming console made by Microsoft, Inc. It is in the middle of its product life, 2 years old at the time of this paper. The success of the original Xbox, and Xbox 360 provided a platform for Xbox one to succeed and capture market share for competition- Sony PS3 and Nintendo. Xbox one has become a bestselling gaming console with millions of units sold around the world. Genesis: Video games were originated first in laboratories by scientists. â€Å"This first idea came from their imaginationsRead MoreData Communications And Computer Networking1682 Words   |  7 PagesReferences†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.9 The Xbox One is a gaming console made by Microsoft, Inc. It is in the middle of its product life, 2 years old at the time of this paper. The success of the original Xbox, and Xbox 360 provided a platform for Xbox one to succeed and capture market share for competition - Sony PS3 and Nintendo. Xbox one has become a bestselling gaming console with millions of units sold around the world. Genesis: Video games were originated first in laboratories by scientistsRead MorePs3 Business Managment1241 Words   |  5 PagesNintendo Wii, Xbox, and Sony’s Playstation 3 are the top three video game consoles in the U.S. market. In order to become more competitive, and gain a larger share within the video game console market, Sony must make some changes within their marketing mix. In an industry with a value of over $450M and $670M, the U.S. video game console and video game software markets, respectively, are rapidly growing and highly profitable markets. The largest segment of the market (over 56%) for video game consolesRead MoreVideo Gameplay Of Video Games1617 Words   |  7 Pages Video Gaming has played a major factor for video gamers worldwide, this brings the expertise of video game developers to develop the next generation of video games. Video gamers(?) in Japan and the United States share the enjoyment in playing video games. What is the history behind video games? What are the prices of video games in Japanese? What are the prices of video games in the United States? How are American and Japanese video games are different? There are similarities and differences inRead MoreXbox One : Cutting Edge And Over The Edge1745 Words   |  7 Pages ENGL 1113 Xbox One: Cutting Edge or Over The Edge Microsoft s Xbox One console was released during the holiday season of 2013. The Xbox One is the third of the series of video game systems released by Microsoft. The Xbox One is on the cutting edge of gaming technology and is only compared to the only other system released during the holiday season of 2013, the Playstation 4. While customers will enjoy playing the latest console, and are sure to have fun with the improved graphics, audio, consoleRead MoreNintendo Gamecube : A Successful Lifespan1391 Words   |  6 Pageswere multiple game series that made first time appearances on the console like Pikmin, Luigi’s Mansion, Metroid, and Star Fox Fighter. The Gamecube also built on many titles that were well established titles. These included Mario Kart, Super Smash Brothers, the Mario Party series, and many others. Sega stopped production of their home video game consoles by the end of the 6th generation and went to just making games. Sega partnered with Nintendo and started p orting their popular games to Nintendo GamecubeRead MoreThe Video Game Market Analysis1538 Words   |  7 PagesThe Xbox One is the most advanced entertainment and video game platform in history. People all over America would line up at the doors at a local Game Stop or Best Buy, spending hours waiting to get a chance to be one of the first owners of this technological masterpiece. The video game market accounts for $70 million in 2013, with console games making up 43 percent of that total. Microsoft has produced some pretty successful gaming systems, such as the original Xbox and the Xbox 360. These consolesRead MorePs4 vs Xbox One Essay936 Words   |  4 Pages11/6/13  Ã‚   PS4 vs xbox one Matthew Cobb A00467087 11/6/13  Ã‚   PS4 vs xbox one If youve never touched a video game controller in your life, but do have avid players in your household, you may be in for a bewildering month. Thats because were on the verge of what the gaming industry excitedly calls a new console generation. In short, the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, once the most powerful games machines on the planet are being replaced – the former by the Xbox One, the latter by the PlayStationRead MoreThe Microeconomics of the Video Game Industry Essay1064 Words   |  5 PagesMicroeconomics of the Video Game Industry Video games have been around for years with many different types of consoles and games. The video game industry has grown into a $20 billion dollar industry over the past ten years, and it only shows signs of growing larger in the years to come. In the United States alone, the market has grown considerably where 60% of all Americans play video games, 40% are women, and 60% of all gamers are between the ages of 25 through 44 years old (

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Blood Pressure, The Pressure Of Blood - 913 Words

Blood pressure, the pressure of blood in the circulatory system, is a vital aspect to the human body in order to maintain homeostasis. Many Americans are not aware of the seriousness of having high blood pressure. High blood pressure is called Hypertension, which can be a silent killer if untreated. There are many causes of Hypertension, including diet, age and race. Doctors now are making classifications of pre-hypertensive, which can help patients maintain their health and possibly avoid hypertension, if they follow the advice of their physician. Americans should eliminate fatty foods from their diet, be mindful of their age and race as they may become prone to Hypertension, which can lead to heart damage, heart disease, congestive heart failure, stroke and maybe death if untreated. It is important to know what to do if one’s blood pressure approaches the extremes, as it can be a sign of a serious health problem. Knowing what the norm is for systolic and diastolic pressure can help eliminate health dangers. â€Å"An unusual blood pressure reading by itself, may not necessarily demand a 911 call† (Thomas, George M.D, 2015). While the unusual blood pressure reading may not be a 911 emergency at that moment, it can still be a sign of trouble arising. It is important for to realize the seriousness of rises in blood pressure. Hypertension can be prevented with regular checking and monitoring of the blood pressure. If blood pressure reaches 140/90 or higherShow MoreRelatedBlood Pressure1729 Words   |  7 Pagesaccount of blood pressure testing during a clinical simulative skill session The clinical skill that I have decided to reflect on in this essay is the manual blood pressure test that I have performed on one of my colleague during a simulative clinical skills session. The aim of this essay is to reflect on this experience, so as to learn from it, identify areas of concern and increase competence in this skill accordingly. To start the essay it is the custom to at least give a definition of blood pressureRead MoreBlood Pressure1987 Words   |  8 Pagesbaseline observations : Blood pressure The purpose of this assignment is to reflect on a chosen experience that I have identified as requiring more knowledge to complete this skill competently. I have chosen to do my learning contract on adult base line observation – blood pressure. The reason I have chosen this skill is because my first experience of taking a blood pressure was not a positive experience and to this day I still get nervous taking someone’s blood pressure. I can do the skill confidentlyRead MoreBlood Pressure Effects1058 Words   |  5 Pagesforce on arteries when blood is pumping by heart or when the heart is resting is known as blood pressure. The blood pressure is usually measured by taking the two numbers like 120/80, where 120 is known as the Systolic pressure and 80 is Diastolic. Therefore, for a normal healthy person, Systolic blood pressure must be between the ranges of 80 to 120. Anything above the 140 counts is high blood pressure and treated as hypertension condition. Similarly, D iastolic blood pressure number between rangesRead MoreSystolic Diastolic Pressure On Blood Pressure1618 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Blood pressure is a force applied by blood that push against the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that send oxygenated blood to the heart and throughout the rest of the body. To calculate blood pressure, use a blood pressure machine which shows the two types of pressures, systolic and diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure happens when the heart is decreasing and diastolic pressure is the pressure the occurs when the heart expands. Systolic pressure is always over diastolic pressure and theRead MoreBlood Pressure Regulation1269 Words   |  6 PagesBlood pressure regulation and changes occurring after increase in blood pressure Each time the heart pumps, it sends blood all over the body to supply organs and tissues with oxygen and nutrients. The strength of the force created as the heart pumps blood into the vessels together with the vessels’ resistance to the blood flow is defined as the body’s blood pressure (Darovic, 2002). A normal range blood pressure (BP) must be between 100-130mmHg systolic (when the heart is beating) and 60-90mmHgRead MoreHypertension: Mechanical Blood Pressure1413 Words   |  6 PagesHypertension, also known as high blood pressure is starting to become a very common cardio vascular diagnosis. Hypertension is classified as a cardiovascular disease caused by elevated blood pressure (Mosbys, 2006, p. 923). Hypertension is more dominant for individuals that have unhealthy lifestyles and have a family history of hypertension. Hypertension is also dominant in individuals that consume more that 5.8 grams of salt per day (Makoff, 2006). Having high blood pressure may cause other health problemsRead MoreHypertension : High Blood Pressure Essay1266 Words   |  6 PagesMany of my clients with high blood pressure take premium Omega-3 oils, and have reported benefits such as decrease in spikes, normalized pressure readings and other cardiovascular beneficial effects. Hypertension is High Blood Pressure, and blood pressure is defined as: (from Wikipedia) ... the force exerted by circulating blood on the walls of blood vessels, and constitutes one of the principal vital signs. The pressure of the circulating blood decreases as blood moves through arteries, arteriolesRead MoreThe Validity Measures Of Blood Pressure1729 Words   |  7 PagesAim: This study aims to calculate the validity measures of blood pressure-to-height ratios (BPHR) in screening for elevated blood pressure (EBP) in a sample of the Egyptian adolescence aged 11-15 years. Subject and Methods: A cross sectional study was conducted on a sample of 1707 students aged 11-15 years. Elevated blood pressure was defined according to the international gold standard definition. Systolic and diastolic BPHR (SBPHR and DBPHR) were calculated for boys and girls, and their abilityRead MoreHigh Blood Pressure Essays1571 Words   |  7 PagesRaised blood pressure is major preventable cause of CVD, and hypertensive people are three times more likely to develop CVD. High blood pressure increases the workload on the heart and can damage the endothelial lining of blood vessels, cause an upsurge of infiltration of lipids into the arterial wall, worsen endothelial damage and enhance atherosclerotic deposition (Thomas Bishop, 2007). The most significant influences are obesity, excess alcohol and excess salt intake (Williams et al., 2004)Read MoreCauses And Effect Of Blood Pressure999 Words   |  4 Pageselevated blood pressure. The heart is the main organ involved in sup plying the rest of the body with blood. As the blood leaves the heart, it pushes against the walls of the blood vessels, and this movement creates blood pressure. By understanding what blood pressure is, what happens in a person’s body when hypertension and hypotension occur, and what factors affect blood pressure, one can figure out how to adjust his/her lifestyle, mentally and physically, to prevent diseases related to blood pressure

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Review Of Social Media By Lu Et Al Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Review Of Social Media By Lu Et Al. Answer: Brief summary of the theory and progression in the field According to Lu et al (2013), social media is used in the organization at an incredible pace. The mangers of the organization are using the social media to improve the performance of the organization. Social media has helped in changing the business. Social media has used distinct technologies and thus it has improved the organizational performance. Some scholars have regarded social media as an important branch of online social network. Social media has also helped the organization in blogging platforms. It has helped the company to move direct from tech savvy to user friendly. It has also been described that how a new technology in an organization is helpful for the development of business. The company must also be able to bear the cost of using the new technology. They can use various kinds of social software instead of social media for improving the profitability of the organization. Tucker (2016) opined that social media it is easier to maximize the interest of the students through collaborative use of digital technologies. The decentralized and interactive environment of social media has helped in maximizing the interest of the students. Social media has helped in reducing the classroom anxiety of the students through web browsing. Tweeting has helped to spread the information and create communication among the people. The students can communicate in small groups and conduct various types of surveys in this era of globalization with the help of social media. Gasper et al. (2016) has helped the people in stressful situations. Social media has helped in understanding the emotions and sentiments of the people. It has become easier for the people to communicate and develop their communication channel. Social media includes various sources of online information which are used by the consumers. It has been found that social media is serving as a communication mechanism between the business organization and the consumers. The consumers can also educate themselves through social media. They can also spend their past time to get relieve from boredom. The individuals can adapt and cope to various unfolding events and thus find out new ways of perceiving things in stressful situations. According to Alotaibi (2017), it has been found that social media communication is helping the patients with brain aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage. Social media is helping the doctors to deal with these patients. It is helping the physicians to understand the emotional and mental state of those patients. Social media has also helped in sharing and providing information and also expanded the communication network. Discussion of Common themes Lu et al (2013) found out that social media can also be viewed from an affordance approach. It has been found out that people using the same technology and adopting the same social practice may have greater utility because it has made the communication process much easier and transparent. E-mail has helped the organization and it has made the communication process much easier. However, survey shows that social media has benefited the organization and made it affordable to communicate with the consumers. Tucker (2016) predicted that communication scholars have made inroads in the analysis of the message. There are three important communication techniques i.e. community, action and information. These three procedures are vital for the organization to expand their business. Gasper et al. (2016) has highlighted the expansion of the networking channel. Social media has helped in entertainment and enjoyment. It has also used as a stress reliever. Social media has helped in improving the communication network. Alotaibi (2017) opined that social media is used by people of different classes and age groups. It has made communication easier between the various groups of people. Discussion of Different themes It is difficult to highlight the differences between the themes because all the four papers concentrate on different ideas. Lu et al (2013) suggested that social media has helped in improving the profitability of the business because people are more aware and conscious of the products. However according to Tucker (2016) it is vital to improve the communication network and reduce the anxiety in the student when they use various digital media. Gasper et al. (2016) suggested that social media has helped the people in many ways. It has helped in the facilitation of the convenience and the communication utility. Alotaibi (2017) has suggested that the use of social media has helped the physicians in the treatment of patients with neurological disorders. Discussion of Study limitations how limitations differ across the research designs Lu et al (2013) identified that there is lack of research because the entire paper is based on a general perspective. There is no specific approach which is used in the study. The entire paper is written in a generalized form. Tucker (2016) has made wider use of statistical tools which is difficult to understand without having proper knowledge of statistics. Gasper et al. (2016) has made use of gratification approach to show why people preferred to use social media. It has failed to give a proper justification of the use of social media and also a comparison with the other approaches. Alotaibi (2017) has made an analytical approach of the use of social media by the people. But it has failed to make a comparison between the different nations which would give a clear and vivid image. It has only highlighted the two neurological diseases. The subject matter has become much narrower. Discussion of future research directions (commonalities difference) Lu et al (2013) suggest that it is important to carry out further studies to analyze the use of social media in the organization. An individual must have proper knowledge before using the social media. If the individual do not have sufficient knowledge, it will not help in expanding the communication network. Tucker (2016) has suggested carrying out further research in the analyzing the reasons of anxiety in the students when they are using digital technologies. Gasper et al. (2016) have shown significance of social media in stressful situation of an individual. Alotaibi (2017) has suggested carrying out qualitative research in a wider approach. References Alotaibi, N.M., Samuel, N., Wang, J., Ahuja, C.S., Guha, D., Ibrahim, G.M., Schweizer, T.A., Saposnik, G. and Macdonald, R.L., 2017. The use of social media communications in brain aneurysms and subarachnoid hemorrhage: a mixed-method analysis.World neurosurgery,98, pp.456-462. Gaspar, R., Pedro, C., Panagiotopoulos, P. and Seibt, B., 2016. Beyond positive or negative: Qualitative sentiment analysis of social media reactions to unexpected stressful events.Computers in Human Behavior Management,56, pp.179-191. Lu, B., Guo, X., Luo, N. and Chen, G., 2015. Corporate Blogging and Job Performance: Effects of Work-related and Nonwork-related Participation.Journal of Management Information Systems,32(4), pp.285-314. Tucker, F.T., 2016. Sociological media: maximizing student interest in quantitative methods via collaborative use of digital media.Problems of Education in the 21st Century,73.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Lancer Gallery Case free essay sample

Lancer Gallery LLC is a company that sells South American and African artifacts, jewelry, and pottery. They originated as a trading post in the early 1900s and are now one of the most famous dealers in southwestern artifacts. They are headquartered at Phoenix, Arizona and distribute their product throughout the United States. In 2001 Lancer decided to expand their product lines by making replicas of authentic artifacts. Finally, Lancer is doing quite well financially, with gross sales of $35 million with an increase of 20% per year. The primary problem that the Lancer Gallery has run into is whether or not they should reposition themselves into a company that mainly produces replica products. In January 2010, Lancer was contracted by a mass-merchandise department store chain and was offered at least $4 million annually to create triple the amount of artifact replicas. The head of Lancer Gallery has come to a huge dilemma. The company president Andrew Smythe has stated that it is a wonderful offer, as it will add $4 million in additional sales which is over their annual growth, which would help a lot due to the recession. We will write a custom essay sample on Lancer Gallery Case or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page However, becoming a company that mainly creates replicas can have a huge effect on their current dealers and customers as Lancer has created a reputation over the years for their quality artifacts. Accepting this contract may as well be sacrificing their image and eventually lose their current distributors. There is also secondary problems; Lancer has a limited supply of artifacts, competition has greatly increased in recent years, and their revenue has been declining because of the economy. An alternative would be to create a sub division that only creates replicas. This way they can stay loyal to their current distributors as well as honor everything stated on the contract. Another alternative would be to simply re-negotiate the contract. If Lancer Gallery refuses to become a company that mainly creates and sells replicas, they can ask for a new contract that will hopefully still have a respectable offer. Finally, their last option can simply be to take the offer and create replicas for the mass-merchandiser. Lancer Gallery already has an issue with inventory, as they have a limited supply of authentic artifacts. Becoming a company that creates replicas will restock their inventory and sell them to the mass-merchandiser. It might tarnish their image and reputation but they will receive great compensation for their work. My recommendation would be to create a sub division for the replicas. The main division will continue to sell authentic artifacts, keeping their current distributors and customers happy. They will continue their operations as if they denied the contract offer. The sub division will be in charge of creating the replicas mainly for the mass-merchandiser. This will honor the contract’s obligations while also keeping recurring customers satisfied.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Decline of Rome essays

Decline of Rome essays Romes decline was caused by four main factors: military, political, social and economic. I believe the predominant factor to be political causes. The emperors seized all authority and became corrupt. Not only the emperors, but also the other officials and authority figures as well. The emperors and authority figures have lost control of the people as a whole and the matters at hand. Emperor after emperor tried his luck, but none have been able to solve their political problems. I hope you will listen to my argument and help to change the empire for the better. The emperors have no control over the people and do nothing but stall the decline of Rome. Bread and Circus do nothing more than bring temporary peace to the empire, and after theyre over the continuous problems of everyday life still occur. The Circus, created by emperors, instill sadistic morals of bloodshed and violence into the citizens, as well as halt all technological advancement. With these excursions all military and economics froze in place while other civilizations advanced and evolved, and eventually took over Rome. You can not account the decline to just this reason though. Government became power hungry and tried to control the Romans lives. Diocletian tried to control economics and inflation by fixing prices for goods and services. He also required young men to follow their fathers footsteps in occupation, but this only lead to turmoil and disaster. There are two main reasons why this did not work, one being that some children were more talented than others were and this either held the children back, or put impossible goals in front of them. The other reason being this was made to stop inflation of necessities, this it did, but it made the farmers poorer because they had to settle for a set price while other merchants could raise prices on luxuries. Diocletian also divided the empire into two, east and west. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Effect of recession on U.K. clothing sector Literature review

Effect of recession on U.K. clothing sector - Literature review Example Not only the UK but also the developed countries throughout the world experienced reduction in the outputs (Bell & Blanchflower, 2010). The research paper aims at providing a thought upon the effects of recession on the UK clothing sector. It further tries to investigate the effect of recession on the buyer behaviour within the UK fashion clothing market. Aims of the Study / Research Objective Initially in this paper it has been intended to prove that the recession had really affected the overall UK economy and hence the affect on GDP will be demonstrated in this paper. The main objective of the study has been to understand the effect of the economic recession on buyer behaviour within the UK fashion clothing market. It has also been intended to analyse the impact of recession on the value clothing sector and upon the consumer spending. It will highlight the UK lingerie market and effect of recession on it. ... rature Review Impact of Recession on UK GDP According to Times Online (2009), the GDP can be defined as a measure of the goods and the services that is produced by the country. It also indicates the health of the nation’s economy. It was noted that between the months of October and December which was the final quarter of the year 2008, there was decline in the GDP by 1.5 percent. This figure was worst since the second quarter of 1980. There was a 0.6% decline between July and September of 2008. It was evident in the final quarter of the year 2008 that there was decline in the output in all sectors of the economy except agriculture by 4.6%. Therefore it is evident that because of the recession the GDP of the country was affected (Times Online, 2009). Geroski & Gregg (1997) had revealed in their study that it is believed by the economist and many people that recession are periods of waste and stagnation. The list of failed firms, derelict industrial sites makes it quite hard to believe that recession is part of natural functioning of the economy (Geroski & Gregg, 1997). Direct and Indirect Impact of Recession on the Textile Industry According to Thoburn (2010), there has been direct as well as indirect impact of the recession on the textile and the garments industries of Asia. The author further opines that the output of the non-garment textiles is also growing at a rapid pace and these uses if combined accounts for greater than ‘half of the world’s textile output’. Prior to the increase in Britain’s textile industrial production, the leading player in this sector has been Asia. The data that has been produced by the Eurostat agency of the European Union, the US Office of Textile and Apparel and Japan Customs Online clearly demonstrate the picture of what the