Monday, February 24, 2020

History of American Cities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

History of American Cities - Essay Example The influx of the foreigners in relatively large numbers have produced a multicultural environment that is responsible for the rapidly changing socio-political scenario of the cities. The existing society and the social setup has accommodated the growing numbers of new inhabitants by not only creating new jobs but new suburbs and slums thus embarking on a new road that defines the inhabitants by the location and locations could reliably affirm the inhabitants’ race and culture. Historians and social scientists, through the years, have conducted studies to this effect and have come to some amazing results backed by research asserting that cities and suburbs are divided into specific locations that are characterized by the people who may be represented by their race, economic status or by their creative differences.  The cosmopolitan flavor of New York is distinguished by the colonies named after the different nationals inhabiting them, like Chinese colony, German colony, Span ish or Jewish colony. ‘Even the Arab, who peddles ‘holy earth’ from the battery as a direct importation from Jerusalem, has his exclusive preserves at the lower end of Washington Street’ (Riis). In the mid nineteenth century, the author Riis studied the immigrant population, living in tenements, in the lower New York and observed that the tenements developed according to the immigrants, well defined by their race and cultural background. The Italians, for example, had largely come to America in search of work and this was carried out by the fellow Italians who facilitated their immigration and later exploited them for their own vested interests.  

Saturday, February 8, 2020

Religion in the U.S. workplace Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Religion in the U.S. workplace - Essay Example This is also designed to reduce the number of cases when people would ask for a religious holiday leave even though no being known as active religious practitioners. 2. If there are disputes over the distribution of the religious holiday leaves, they should be resolved in the following manner. The priority will be given to a person who applied for a leave first, i.e. First come first served rule. Secondly, a person who is known to perform active religious practice before has the priority over a person who has just taken up it. The communication in these cases should be polite and tolerant, trying not to hurt any person or cast any kind of shadow on the religious feeling of an individual. 3. One of the most effective ways to communicate the policy to the employees would be to call for a meeting and present them with a printed out version of the main provision. It is particularly important that they have those printed out as the employees will be able to refer to them any time when they have question about the distribution of religious holiday leaves. Another point about communication is that it should promote the feeling of justice: since the matter in question is rather difficult to regulate, the employees should agree on at least some kind of rule that might be suitable for that. 2. Personally, I do not think that it is a good idea to protect the individuals who are obese in case it is not conditioned by an illness. It is true that managing one’s weight might be incredible difficult, but still it is possible. If a company gives certain preference for obese people, others who are different in someway might raise a question why obesity is taking into account and other abnormalities are not. In addition to that, fair treatment of the obese people might be viewed as an additional stimulus for them. 3. The Weight law involves many issues, such as an effective way to determine the presence of obesity; the grounds upon which