Friday, May 15, 2020

Analysis Of The Book Tory - 889 Words

tory Arc: Zara: Season 1: Zara is seeking perfection. She is roommates with her best friend Lauren. She is on quest to find out what went wrong in her last relationship. She hates her job. Goes back and forth with her ex Bryant. She finds out her ex has feelings for her best friend Lauren. She ends the friendship with Lauren. Zara moves out of the apartment with Lauren. Zara ends up alone and feeling like a failure. Season 2: Zara is dating but nothing magical, she s looking for the one. Zara and Lauren mend their friendship. She get s closer to her career goals. Zara s parents have been married for quite some time and her mother is very big on her settling down Zara s mom tries to set her up with someone that s not right for her. Zara and her mom have a falling out. Season 3: Zara starts focusing on herself. Zara finally get her dream job and meets a guy and they become really good friends throughout the season. There s chemistry and at the end of the season they end with a kiss taking it to the next level. Season 4: Zara is dating and in a serious relationship with the guy she works with. She puts him on a pedestal. An ex of girlfriend comes into play and brings out Zara s insecurities and raises suspicion. Zara turns out to be wrong about her suspicions and ends up engaged. Season 5: Zara gets married, she gets promoted. Zara is adjusting to married life, her new job and balancing her friendships. Zara is at peace with her journey, her life isn tShow MoreRelatedComparison Between John Smith and William Bradford737 Words   |  3 PagesAnalysis of A Description of New England by John Smith The author John Smith, a pilgrim who arrived to the Americas, wrote a description of the new land in his book â€Å" A Description of New England †. In this book Smith shows a wonderful world of vast food and pleasure. 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